What does Deep Facial Cleaning consist of and what is it for?

Deep Facial Cleansing is a routine procedure to maintain the hygiene of the facial skin. It is used to remove blackheads, impurities and dead cells.

Includes skin hygiene, exfoliation, vaporozone, extraction, mask and sunscreen.


We are experts in Aesthetic Medicine in the city of Medellin. We are located in the Santafé Shopping Center, local 3226. Take advantage of the discounts for this month!

What are the benefits of Deep Facial Cleaning?

• Removes deep impurities from the skin.
• Remove blackheads and blackheads.
• Improves the oxygenation of the skin.
• Provides luminosity and vitality to the skin.

How long is the Deep Facial Cleaning session?

At Naturalness each Deep Facial Cleansing session lasts approximately one hour.

When are the results seen and how often is Deep Facial Cleaning performed?

The results of the Deep Facial Cleansing can be viewed from the first session.

The frequency of performance depends on the type of skin, but it is recommended that it be performed approximately every three months as part of a facial care routine.

Deep Facial Cleansing
Deep Facial Cleansing

Does Deep Facial Cleansing create pain, disability or have side effects?

Deep Facial Cleansing is not painful or incapacitating.
It has no contraindications, but it is recommended to seek advice to determine the protocol that best suits the patient’s needs.

At Naturalness we provide the ideal medical accompaniment to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all patients, in accordance with the standards, requirements and procedures required in the Single System of Health Qualification.


Ask about the special prices we have on Deep facial cleansing treatment this month, schedule your appointment and don’t miss out on the discount!